Glims adds a cocktail of features to Safari (Tabs, Thumbnails, Full Screen, Search Engines, Search Suggestions, Forms autocomplete on, and more)
Features list:
- Adds thumbnails to search results
- Adds thumbnails to search results
- Adds search engines to the default Google search tab
- Adds full-screen browsing capability
- Adds Favicons to tab labels
- Adds keyword search from address bar
- Undo "Close Tab" (cmd-z)
- Re-opens last session when Safari starts
- Auto-Closes download window
- Adds new tab position option (right/left/leftmost/rightmost)
- Adds tab closing using middle mouse button
- Focus last selected tab
- Always open links in a new tab
- Type-ahead support (auto cmd-f)
- Sets the focus on the search field when opening a new window
- Adds Amazon's information banner on search results
- Adds Amazon's information banner on search results
- Adds a "Max Window Size" menu item to resize the Safari window
- Forms autocomplete always on
- Autocomplete search phrase
- Adds bookmark separator
- Adds bookmark actions