Microsoft Windows VISTA Ultimate booting on my iMac …!!!

Now i am complete… I have installed Windows Vista on another partition of my mac and now I have my games machine (windows) and my serious machine (mac) to choose when I boot…!!

Playing RAINBOW SIX VEGAS 2 on my iMac with bootcamp and Vista

After windows setup is ready (in a couple of minutes on my 2.8 Ghz mac… AMAZING!!) you just have to insert the 1st installation disk MAC OS X, and run the setup.exe . Every driver will be installed (even for the iSight camera!!)
The Windows Experience index is at 5,6 with my 2.8Ghz – 4GB imac system and the R6 Vegas2 plays at 1600×1200 resolution with no problem..


By moschos

This is me :)

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