Any system & network administrator would like to have cables for the servers & network equipments in an organized manner. But things don’t work at times as per the plan. And to trace a wire in it, it wont be easy & lets leave aside untangling it.
(Image credit: Sysadminday).
(Image: Credit).
(Image credit: Cormacphelan).
(Image credit: Dmnyc).
(Image credit: Gruzuk).
(Image credit: Richard).
(Image credit: Life).
(Image: Credit).
(Image credit: Vespa).
Perhaps if you are among those who care, then may be this is possible:
(Image credit: Digitalslurp).
(Image credit: Chrisdag).
(Image credit: Mbm).
(Image: Credit).
(Image credit: Tim).
(Image: Credit).
(Image credit: Blogs.sun).
(Image credit: Precisionfiberoptics).
[\VIA ]