What makes you feel alive? What makes you feel anticipation and enthusiasm now? What would you rather be doing right now? And where would you rather be? And what’s stopping you other than yourself? It’s not money or other people. It’s just you and your priorities. Your only priority is finding your path in life.

The trouble is, you think you have time.

What gives your life purpose? What are you grateful for? What marks the days when you are excited to get out of bed? Maybe you’re still looking for it. Sometimes you have to explore the world outside so that you can find the answers inside.
What if you become aware of your inner dialogue and feel control over your emotions.

You learn to still your mind and recognize your intuition, deep in your belly, in your very centre. You trust it and follow it. And you have a little faith in the universe having your back. Tap into your own state of flow and you find clarity and direction.

And your intuition will lead you to purpose and fulfillment.

You can gravitate to places and people who inspire you, whom you admire. You can learn to anchor the states of mind that serve you best. And you can drop into them as you wish. You can consciously chose how you react to the world. And you can choose to work on yourself and become extraordinary. And don’t take any of it too damn seriously! Lighten up and have some fun!

Play outside your comfort zone!

There are many ways of looking at the world, and your own beliefs navigate your own particular experience. But you are entitled to make new ones, to change. Everything changes with time. But it’s up to you to chose growth.

By moschos

This is me :)

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