Eat (more) fruit
These ideas might stimulate your fruit consumption!
Why should we have five to nine fresh pieces a day, organically grown if possible?

  • For the largest part fruit consists of water just like the human body does;
  • Fruit is 100% bad-cholesterol free;
  • Fruit stimulates the memory;
  • The idea that fruit is an expensive nutrition;
  • The miraculous healing effects of fruit;
  • Fibers;
  • Fruit makes you feel better;
  • Ethical reasons to eat fruit;
  • Fruit is the most natural food;
  • The human diet;
  • Fruit juices – squeeze those fruits!

For the largest part fruit consists of water just like the human body does
Like 80% of our body is water so does 80% of fruit consist of water!
If you think about it, it’s logical for the human body to consume food that contains as much water as the body itself. The nutrition that meets that requirement is fruit. There is no other food than fruit on this planet that contains on average 80% water.
Vegetables also contain a lot of water and are therefore second best.

Fruit is 100% bad-cholesterol free
No doubt about this argument. Too much bad-cholesterol is not good for our bodies and fruit doesn’t contain bad-cholesterol. Animal products like meat and dairy contain a lot of bad-cholesterol.

Fruit stimulates the memory
If you didn’t know yet: fruit is the ultimate brain fuel. Fruit has a positive effect on our brains. The way this works still has to be found out and many scientists are looking into it as we speak. What we do know is that if you consume fruit effectively, your brains can recall information faster and more easily. This is very useful information for people who are preparing for an exam.

The idea that fruit is an expensive nutrition
Did you always think that fruit was an expensive product? Take a good look at how much money you spend on other food. It could be worth something to replace some of those expenses with fruit. We think that fruit is the healthiest food on earth and therefore it is well worth spending our money on.

The miraculous healing effects of fruit
Spectacular stories about people that cured from uncurable diseases by a strict diet of raw fruits and/or vegetables are well known but do we want to believe them? We still don’t know that much about fruit and its contents.

We do know now that a diet with plenty of fibers helps against corpulence, high blood pressure, and other factors that increase the chance for a heart disease. The consumed amount of fibers maybe even a more important factor than the amount of fat that is consumed by people!
The food that contains these healthy (natural) fibers is…. right: fruit! (vegetables as well). The American Heart Association advises to consume 25 to 30 grams of fibers out of fresh fruits and/or vegetables. In practice this means: have five to nine portions of fresh fruits or vegetables a day.

Fruit makes you feel better
Several stories have told us about people that were frequently depressed and how they got out of their depression slowly but surely after consuming substantial amounts of fresh fruit on a regular basis. Eating much fruit can have a mysterious healing effect on human beings. Even better is to drink a lot of freshly squeezed fruit drinks on a regular basis. It will take approximately 30 days until you start to notice the effects. Don’t forget to drink these smoothies 20 minutes before the consumption of other meals. This way the fruit will not ferment in the stomach and the nutritious elements can be absorbed by the blood effectively.

Ethical reasons to eat fruit
Fruit doesn’t have to be killed and slaughtered before you can eat it. The fruits are just hanging there waiting to be picked by you!
This ethical argument (often used by vegetarians and vegans to not eat meat) claims that fruit is a non-animal food. Many people see animals, especially mammals, as living creatures just like humans. There are religions that say that animals have souls like us. The native Americans first asked the animal’s spirit if they could kill it before they did so. Fruit has never been said to have a soul and thus can be eaten without causing any harm. Ethical or religious arguments aside, we think it’s a shame that we as human beings don’t eat much fruit when there is such an abundant assortment of fruits and vegetables available.

Fruit is the most natural food
When you see a piece of fruit hanging from a tree that tree is telling you something: “Eat my fruits and help me spread my seeds.” That’s how nature works. Humans eat vegetables and fruits and consequently help the plants to spread. Humans use animals to work the land to grow the plants and trees that produce these fruits and vegetables. In more and more people’s opinion this is the way it was all meant to be.


By moschos

This is me :)

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