Emperor penguins and their chicks.

Few years the ship Kapitan Khlebnikov was the only tourist vessel on which people can watch penguins in their natural habitat.

Emperor penguin chicks at Snow Hill Island in the Weddell Sea, off the coast of West Antarctica, so similar to the heroes of the cartoon "Happy Feet"

For the explorers in Antarctica this year may be the last, when they will be able to delve into the region to watch the penguins in their natural habitat.

Kapitan Khlebnikov – a Russian icebreaker in which 100 lucky people can see the newborn penguins. Usually, the journey begins in October, which gives tourists the opportunity to see the chicks when they are only two months old.




Императорские пингвины и их птенцы. (PAL HERMANSEN / STEVEBLOOM.COM / BARCROFT MEDIA)


Abandoned egg emperor penguins. (PAL HERMANSEN / STEVEBLOOM.COM / BARCROFT MEDIA)


The icebreaker Kapitan Khlebnikov in the ice in the Weddell Sea. (PAL HERMANSEN / STEVEBLOOM.COM / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Ледокол «Капитан Хлебников» на льду в море Уэдделла. (PAL HERMANSEN / STEVEBLOOM.COM / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Norwegian photographer Pal Hermansen. (PAL HERMANSEN / STEVEBLOOM.COM / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Норвежский фотограф Пэл Хермансен. (PAL HERMANSEN / STEVEBLOOM.COM / BARCROFT MEDIA)

By moschos

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