20 Shocking Images Google Maps Has Captured
Epic ‘TP’ or Epic Party? This image tells us that someone either got heavily pranked or that there was a crazy party the camera’s missed! Flock of Seagulls We have…
Chaos in Istanbul (30 photos)
Χιλιάδες άνθρωποι ξεχύθηκαν από την Παρασκευή στους δρόμους της Κωνσταντινούπολης και άλλων πόλεων διαμαρτυρόμενοι για την αλόγιστη κατάχρηση της εξουσίας από τις αστυνομικές αρχές. Αφορμή για τις διαδηλώσεις στάθηκε η…
Reduced Aperture Library size dramatically by turning PREVIEWS off
Right now aperture is deleting 108K+ previews that were taking up 350 GB of space, without any really use. What actually happens? It’s quite simple. Whenever you first import, and…
50 Beautiful Classic Portraits Of Life magazine
1. Elizabeth Taylor.
Extraordinary PHOTOS #2
Amazing Family photo The longest traffic jam in the world recorded in China. Its length is 260 kilometers Paris computer games store. In fact, the floor is absolutely flat.
Extraordinary PHOTOS #1
The world's highest chained carousel, located in Vienna, at a height of 117 meters. Thor's Well a/k/a "the gates of the dungeon" on Cape Perpetua, Oregon. At moderate tide and…
Life in RUSSIA (photos by Alexander Petrosian)
This is another photo collection by Alexander Petrosian picturing life as he sees it in Russia. For more photos by A. Petrosian, go here and here.